Do you know what you want to do with your life? Are you confident you’re heading the right direction? What if you think you’re moving forward but continually experience resistance along the way?

You’re in good company if you’re wondering how you can fulfill the desire, the outlook, and the future you’ve been thinking about.  Nothing ever changed in this world without it first being imagined or visualized.

There’s always a paradox with vision.  You need to understand how to follow the indicators before you’re ready to lead the vision inside of you.  Follow first, lead later.


Indicators your vision is right:

Resistance – if you’ve gone through resistance and emerged with a greater determination and tenacity to see the vision come to life, it’s probably a God-sized dream within you that needs His help. Keep pursuing this thing but lean on the grace, strength, and wisdom that God gives you. Willfully receive the help.

Movie Replay – if you can’t escape the thoughts of what you want to do with this vision, the world may need the vision that’s inside of you. Keep imagining the possibilities even if other people aren’t fans.  It’s OK, some movies take years to become a hit, other times, people just need to see a small preview. Either way, you keep replaying the movie in your head and you’ll see a new reality emerge.

Power Plant – if you are energized by working on the vision and enjoy creative moments of planning the vision, you might be wired for the thing God placed inside of you. Nurture that power though, pace yourself into a discipline that leans on the wisdom of God to accomplish the day to day steps in fulfilling the vision.

Indicators your vision needs help:

Collaboration – other people see the validity of your vision and are interested in helping it become a reality.  Don’t keep it to yourself, ask others to join you on the journey. Be followable in your vision, few things are harder than following a person who keeps the plan close to the vest and shares details through osmosis.

Relay Races – there are missing pieces that keep the picture of your vision from being completed.  You need other people to help you do the things you are not capable of doing. Don’t be intimidated by people with gifts and skill sets you don’t have.  None of us are completely independent of one another.  We need other people to fulfill the purposes and vision that God has placed in us.

Opportunity – the vision inside of you meets a need outside your door.  Maybe it is a product the world needs, a human service to alleviate suffering, or a joyful experience to empower people.  Every person who created something awesome for others usually had a door opener that gave access to decision makers, allies, or funders. Allow others to share the blessing of the vision inside of you. You never know what type of opportunity someone else might open for you.

Indicators your vision is flawed:

Insecurity – if the picture of what you want is because of comparison to someone else’s vision, it’s not yours; it’s a copy of a counterfeit. Be authentic with who God created you to be.  There’s only one person who can fulfill and work on the vision inside of you. Let someone else finish their vision, you’ve got the opportunity of a lifetime to work on yours.

Indecisive – if you flip and flop, back and forth to so many things you have time for none, you have too many visions; it’s time to prune and pick the best one and commit to focus. Imperfect something is always better than perfect nothing.  Don’t worry about failing, you will.  You’ll learn how to do everything better the next time.  And besides, if you’re worried about impressing the people you’d never go to for advice, why are you wasting that energy?

Incomplete – if you’re a great starter with tons of creativity and energy but have a garage teeming with unfinished projects, you need to commit to crossing the finish line and clear the clutter. Don’t let the good rob you from the great.  With just a change in your organization, you can finish the job and snowball that momentum into the next thing.

Talking Donkey Press has produced The Vision Planner, a tool to help you write the vision you want into a reality.  This is the book you get to write.  This isn’t the planner you use to track every minute of your schedule, this is the planner you use to shape the direction of the things most important to you.

Buy it today, solidify the direction you want your life to go.

Check out The Vision Planner Page.

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